Saturday, October 19, 2013

Our House

     After living here for two weeks, I thought it was time to show some pictures of the house where Meer and I live.

South side of house

The main road on the Christianville campus runs past the house. In this photo, you can see the road in front of the house and a row of cactus growing along side the road.
Closer view of south side of house

The closer view shows the path that leads from the road around the east side of the house towards the north side of the house. The window is a room that is mostly used for storage.

East side of house
The door on the east side of the house is not used because it is so close to the road. It also leads into the room which is where we store the bicycles. The window to the right of the door is the kitchen. The path from the road leads around this side of the house, in front of the kitchen window and to the back door of the house, which is the door that we use. This same path turns right, away from the house, toward the dining hall. Everyone from the guest house uses this path to get from the road to the dining hall which is next to our house. So it gets a lot of traffic.

North side of house
The door shown here on the north side of the house is the one we use. The window is Meer's room. The path continues to the left toward the dining hall.

Our kitchen
My bedroom

Bedroom window, facing west
     My bedroom is a good size. It has a queen size bed, a table, a chair and a plastic table and kitchen chair I borrowed from the dining hall. The small window on the wall next to the bed is a south facing window. There is a ceiling fan which is useful to cool things down a bit. We have electricity 24/7.

     There is no closet. I hang what I can (not a lot of hangers) and put the folded clothes on the shelf. The bathroom is between my room and Meer's room.

A rack and shelf to put some of my clothes

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