Thursday, October 3, 2013

Day 1 - Depart BWI

BWI. Arrived to check-in at 4 am. TSA not even open yet. Went though quickly and now sitting at the gate (shops still not open) waiting to board at 5:30 for 6 am departure to MIA.

It is a kind of interesting coincidence that I packed up my things for this trip in the same duffle bag tI used to pack my things when I left for my posdtoc in Paris 30 years ago! Same bag, new adventure.

Tired, excited and ready to go. I have been planning this project for over a year now. It was really quite remarkable how with each step of the way, I picked up colleagues, met new people, tried out new ideas and generally gathered lots of support and enthusiasm for the projects I want to do in Haiti. All the pieces began falling into place each step of the way. Now it's time to see what can be done.

Boots on the ground? Six more hours and I will be there ready to go.

1 comment:

  1. coucou tony comment ça va ? pourrais tu nous mettre en français également? nous espérons que tout va bien la bas et que le mauvais temps n'est pas encore arrivé, as tu eu ta "moto" bisous a bientot donne vite de tes nouvelles
