Saturday, October 19, 2013

It’s Haiti v4 – A Man, a Machete, and the Lawn in Front of the Lab

     We needed to have some landscaping done around the lab. The building is nice and Meer and I both believe that the surrounding area must be kept neat in order to preserve the professional appearance. So we asked Herold to have the landscaping guys come by to cut the grass, trim back the palm trees next to the entrance, and remove a small tree that had grown high enough to hide the sign. This last task was important since the tree was obscuring the list of donors and agencies who contributed to building and furnishing the lab.

     So they came yesterday morning and set to work. It was not the kind of landscaping crew I would see back home in Silver Spring. A guy with a machete (of course) was cutting the grass and edging the lawn along the concrete path. Another guy with cutting shears set about trimming the trees next to the entrance. I think a lawn mower came by later but the guy with the machete did a really nice job edging the lawn. I just hope my son, Pierre, doesn’t ask me to bring him back a machete so that he can trim our lawn in Silver Spring. The machete: the Swiss army knife of the people.
It’s Haiti.

Landscaping with a machete
Landscaping with a machete
Planting new bushes along the lawn in front of the lab
Lab entrance - before
Lab entrance - after

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