Thursday, October 10, 2013

It’s Haiti v1 – A dump truck and two guys with two shovels

A small conference center is being built next to the lab. Yesterday morning about 9:00, a dump truck full of construction fill for the sub-foundation arrives. The load is dumped on the ground next to the building.  Two men start shoveling the load through a small doorway into the building. That’s right. The four foam core walls are already in place and the only opening through which the fill can be transferred is the door. Why not have the truck come before the walls go up so that the load can be directly dumped into the building? Planning? Or maybe it is easier to get the walls up when the wall crew is there, have the dump truck come, whenever, and then pay two guys to shovel the load into the building.  We leave for Jacmel. By the time we return six hours later, the entire load has been shoveled into the building and the two guys are gone. It’s Haiti.

The dump truck, the two guys and their shovels are gone and the dirt has all been moved.

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