Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Why the Pastor was Angry

     Someone just asked a simple question: how was the wedding reception? That question triggered a reaction that I never expected. The Pastor was clearly offended by something that happened to him. He had presided at the wedding ceremony but at the reception, he felt that he was not treated as he should have been treated, as he deserved to be treated. He gave few details, but one got the sense that he was not treated as a very special guest. He grumbled that Catholic priests are paid when they do weddings but that Protestant ministers do it for free. It’s not fair. We should charge them, he cried. So he proclaimed to all of us that in the future he will only agree to preside at weddings under certain conditions. He will insist on being treated royally. They should send a car, a limousine, to pick him up. He should be seated at the table with the other officials (I don’t know who they are) so that he would be sure to be served first in case there is not enough food for everyone else in attendance. I did not ask what other conditions he would demand. I was too disgusted by his arrogance and hubris. And this attitude was coming from someone who is a Pastor, a minister, someone who professes to follow the example of Jesus Christ. I wonder what Jesus would think of the Pastor’s attitude toward his people.

     Another wedding took place the same day in a town about 30 minutes west of the Angry Pastor’s wedding. The pastor who presided at this wedding did not arrive in a limousine. No one sent a car for him. He took a tap tap. This pastor did not ask for money. In fact, he helped bring the musical instruments to the wedding reception. He did not sit at the official table. He ate with the other guests. And he did not demand that he be treated royally. Angry Pastor should take a lesson from his brother pastor. He can learn a little about humility and service to God and his people. It is a wedding. It is not about the Pastor.

     Did the bride and groom err in not giving recognition at the reception to the man who married them? Certainly. But that is not an excuse for Angry Pastor to act in such an unchristian-like manner. To my mind, it is a petty issue, not worth ranting about to everyone.

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