Sunday, January 12, 2014

It’s Haiti v12 – I Hate these Mices to Pieces

     Mice, now we have mice. On Thursday Marsha bought me some traps. A mouse ran across my foot when I walked into my bedroom Friday night so I set out two traps. I was not even finished brushing my teeth when I heard a mouse get caught in a trap. I set out two more traps. In just one day, we caught eight mice. But I’m not sure we got them all.

     So why all the mice? I have no idea. We (Meer and I) left for two weeks for Christmas and when we got back the termites were gone but the mice had moved in. Ken says it’s because the weather is getting cooler and the mice are coming in from the cold. Meer saw one come in under the door (the gap is pretty big). We need door sweeps. Maybe I should bring back the tarantula. They eat mice, don’t they? So what about the cats, where are they when you need them? I mentioned previously that I had only seen two cats so far during my three months in Haiti (see December 3, 2013 post “The Dogs”). I heard that the reason there are no cats is because the Haitians eat them. It’s Haiti.

A cat in the Gressier market

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