Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It’s Haiti v10 – Two Guys, Two Saws, and a Concrete Post

     Remember I told you that the concrete post right next to the emergency exit from the BSL-3 lab needed to be removed? (see October 6, 2013 post “Back to Work? - Did We Ever Stop?”). One Friday morning, two guys with two saws started work on the concrete post. They chipped away the concrete to get to the steel reinforcing bars and then started sawing away the bars. By midmorning, the post was down and a guy with a pick set to breaking up the stump of concrete remaining in the ground. They started pouring concrete (by hand) for the sidewalk after lunch and that was done by dinnertime. Things like this small project could sometimes take months to get done here. But with the right word to the right person at the right time, things get done. Of course, back home the job would have used one guy with a mechanical saw (and protective goggles) to cut through the concrete and the post and it would have been down in less than 15 minutes. But two guys with two saws managed to do the same thing in less than two hours.
It’s Haiti.

Cutting down a concrete post
Cutting down a concrete post

Breaking up the post stump

Building the sidewalk

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